HKEX Stock Code: 00212
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Circulars / Listing Documents
Date Circular
10/09/2024 Notification Letter and Reply Form to Non-registered Shareholders - Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications
10/09/2024 Notification Letter and Reply Form to Registered Shareholders - Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications
08/04/2024 Notice of Annual General Meeting, Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares, Re-Election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Amendments to the Bye-Law
17/04/2023 Notice of Annual General Meeting, Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares, Re-Election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Amendments to the Bye-Law
15/11/2022 Major and Connected Transaction Subscription of Shares in the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Limited
12/04/2022 Notice of Annual General Meeting, Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares And Re-Election of Retiring Directors
16/04/2021 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
15/04/2020 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
06/09/2019 Circular - Major and Connected Transaction - Subscription of Shares in the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Limited
17/04/2019 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of Its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
19/04/2018 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
20/04/2017 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
21/04/2016 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
20/04/2015 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
29/08/2014 Form of Acceptance
29/08/2014 Conditional Cash Offer by Platinum Securities Company Limited on Behalf of Nanyang Holdings Limited to Repurchase up to 8,225,560 Shares at HK$33 per Share and Application for Whitewash Waiver
15/04/2014 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
16/04/2013 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
17/04/2012 Proposals Relating to a General Mandate for Repurchase by the Company of its Own Shares and Re-Election of Retiring Directors
15/04/2011 Subscription for shares in The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.

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